Conference and Journal Papers in Chronological Order
2024-Journal papers |
M. Hachama and F. Boutaous, “A fractional osmosis model for image fusion”, Advances in Computational Mathematics, Volume 50, article number 7, (2024). |
M. Hachama and A. Diaf, “Ro-vibrationnal relativistic states for the q-deformed hyperbolic barrier potential”, The European Physical Journal Plus, Volume 139, article number 501, (2024). |
A. Diaf and M. Hachama, “Relativistic energies for the q-deformed Scarf potential with Feynman path integrals formulation”, Physica Scripta, Volume 99, Number 7, (2024). |
2024-Conference papers |
S. Benalia, M. Hachama, Image Fusion Using a Nonlocal Poisson Model, “The Sixth International Colloquium on Methods and Tools for Decision Support”, Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria, October 20th-22nd 2024. |
2023-Journal papers |
A. Diaf, M. Hachama, M. M’hamed Ezzine, “Thermodynamic properties for some diatomic molecules with the q-deformed hyperbolic barrier potential”, Molecular Physics, 2023. |
A. Lamamri, M. Hachama, “Approximate solution of the shortest path problem with resource constraints and applications to vehicle routing problems”, Electronic Research Archive, 2023, 31(2): 615-632. |
2023-Conference papers |
F. Boutaous, M. Hachama, Study of a new fractional model for image processing, “ICMA’23”, Blida 1 University, 26-27 September, 2023. |
A. Lamamr, M. Hachama, Performance of approximate solution methods for the shortest path problem with resource constraints in column generation, “ICMA’23”, Blida 1 University, 26-27 September, 2023. |
2022-Journal papers |
S. Benalia, M. Hachama, “A nonlocal method for image shadow removal”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Volume 107, 1 February 2022, Pages 95-103. |
Farid Chabane, Maamar Benbachir, Mohammed Hachama & Mohammad Esmael Samei, “Existence of positive solutions for p-Laplacian boundary value problems of fractional differential equations”, Boundary Value Problems, 65 (2022). |
Hadjer Bakhti, Ahmed Diaf, Mohammed Hachama, “Computing thermodynamic properties of some diatomic molecules using a q-deformed Scarf-like Potential”, Molecular Physics (2022): e2133752. |
2022-Conference papers |
M. Hachama, “Nonlocal models in image processing”, Invited talk, 8ème Workshop du laboratoire AMNEDP 2022, UUSTHB, 12-13 novembre 2022. |
M. Hachama, “Image restoration using nonlocal techniques”, Invited talk, Célébration du 25 ème anniversaire de la Rencontre d’Analyse Mathématique et ses Applications (RAMA), Université de M’Sila, le 26 octobre 2022. |
2021-Journal papers |
M. M’hamed Ezzine, M. Hachama, A. Diaf, “Feynman kernel analytical solutions for the deformed hyperbolic barrier potential with application to some diatomic molecules”, Physica Scripta, Volume 96, Number 12, 2021. |
A. Diaf, M. Hachama, M. M’hamed Ezzine, “l-states solutions for the q-deformed Scarf potential with path integrals formulation”, Physica Scripta, Volume 96, Number 10, 2021. |
Amel Benali, Mohammed Hachama, Aouda Bounif, Ammar Nechnech, and Mourad Karray, “A TLBO-Optimized Artificial Neural Network for Modeling Axial Capacity of Pile Foundations”, Engineering with Computers 37, pages 675-684 (2021). |
2021-Conference papers |
Sabira Ben Alia and Mohammed Hachama, “Nonlocal differential operatos applied to image processing”, “International Conference on Mathematics and Applications ICMA’2021”, 7 – 8 December, Blida (2021). |
Hadjer Bakhti, Ahmed Diaf, Mohammed Hachama, “Computing thermodynamic properties of the O2 and H2 molecules with multi-parameter exponential-type potential”, “first International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials IC-SEAM’21”, April 21-22, Ouargla (2021). |
M. M’hamed Ezzine, Ahmed Diaf and Mohammed Hachama, “Computational study of the thermodynamic properties for some diatomic molecules with the q-deformed Scarf II hyperbolic potential”, “first National Conference on Theoretical Physics CNPT’21”, December 8-9, Tlemcen (2021). |
Mohammed Hachama, “Mathématiques en images”, “Journée internationale des mathématiques”, Webinar, March 13, (2021). |
2020-Journal papers |
Hadjer Bakhti, Ahmed Diaf, and Mohammed Hachama, “Computing thermodynamic properties of the O2 and H2 molecules with multi-parameter exponential-type potential”, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1185C (2020) 112879. |
Benniche, Omar and Hachama, Mohammed, “Near Viability of a Set-Valued Map Graph with Respect to a Quasi-Autonomous Nonlinear Inclusion”, Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 26, pages 455–468 (2020). |
2020-Conference papers |
Sabira Benalia and Mohammed Hachama, Nonlocal approches for image denoising, ICRAMCS 2020 Proceedings ISSN: 2605-7700. |
Benniche Omar and Hachama Mohammed, Approximate null-controllability for systems governed by fully nonlinear differential inclusion, ICRAMCS 2020 Proceedings ISSN: 2605-7700. |
2019-Journal papers |
H. Bakhti, A. Diaf, M. Hachama, “Analytical solution of the Feynman Kernel for general exponential-type potentials”, Physica scripta, Volume 94, Number 5, 2019. |
2019-Conference papers |
M. Hachama, “PDE for image denoising”, la 9ème édition du colloque Tendances dans les Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie Algérie Maroc, Tlemcen 23-27 Février 2019. |
M. Hachama, “Une revue des équations aux dérivées partielles en restauration”, Journée de Mathématiques Appliquées, JMA’2019, April 28, 2019, Mila-Algeria |
2018-Journal papers |
H. Boukabcha, M. Hachama, A. Diaf, “Ro-vibrational energies of the shifted Deng-Fan Oscillator potential with Feynman path integral formalism”, Applied Mathematics and Computation 321 (2018) 121–129. |
2018-Conference papers |
M. Hachama, “A Convex Optimization Approach To Shading Estimation From RGB-D Images”, CONGRÈS DES MATHÉMATICIENS ALGÉRIENS CMA’2018, BOUMERDES 12 - 13 MAI 2018. |
M. Hachama, “PDE for image restoration”, Workshops on Pure and Applied Mathematics December 17-18,2018. |
S. Ayadi and M. Hachama, “Study of a Non-linear Poisson PDE used in image processing”, Workshops on Pure and Applied Mathematics December 17-18,2018. |
2017-Journal papers |
A. Amrouche, A. Diaf and M. Hachama, “Path integral treatment of the deformed Schioberg-type potential for some diatomic molecules”, Canadian Journal of Physics 95 (1), 25-30, 2017. |
2017-Conference papers |
M. Hachama, “Mathématiques en images : méthodes et applications”, Mathématiques en Images (MI’2017). |
O. Benniche, M. Hachama, “An optimal control approach to image restoration with a p-Laplacian regularization”, Mathématiques en Images (MI’2017). |
2016-Conference papers |
M. Hachama, “Une approche énergétique pour l’estimation de la réflectance d’un objet lambertian”, Premier séminaire national sur la simulation numérique dans les sciences appliquées, Ouargla, Dec. 2016. |
M. Hachama, “Vision artificielle : modèles mathématiques et applications”, JDS’16, Msila, Nov. 2016. |
M. Hachama, “Estimation de l’illumination d’une scène”, JDS’16, Msila, Nov. 2016. |
2015-Conference papers |
M. Hachama, B. Ghanem and P. Wonka, “Intrinsic Scene Decomposition from RGB-D images”, In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Santiago, 2015, pp. 810-818. |
2014-Conference papers |
A. Diaf and M. Hachama, “Arbitrary l-state solutions of the Feynman propagator for the Rosen-Morse Potential with a centrifugal term approximation”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 490, 2014. |
2013-Journal papers |
A. Diaf and M. Hachama, “Feynman integral treatment of the Rosen-Morse Potential with a centrifugal term approximation”, Canadian Journal of Physics, 2013, 91(12): 1081-1085. |
E. Ailam, M. Hachama, M.N. Benallal, Y. Mehabil, J. Leveque and A. Rezzoug, “Study of an axial superconducting motor using the Monte Carlo Method”, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol. 23, Issue 3, 2013. |
E. Ailam, M.N. Benallal, M. Hachama, J. Leveque and A. Rezzoug, “Comparison study between several solutions of superconducting inductors”, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Volume 23, Issue 1, 2013. |
2013-Conference papers |
M. Hachama, “A Spectral Approach to Non-Rigid Image Registration”, International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1-5, 2013. |
A. Diaf and M. Hachama, “Arbitrary l-state solutions of the Feynman propagator for the Rosen-Morse Potential with a centrifugal term approximation”, International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1-5, 2013. |
L. Benaicha Matti, M. Hachama, “Recalage non rigide des images : Représentation des transformations”, Sixième colloque sur les Tendances dans les Applications Mathémtiques en Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc (TAMTAM XIII), Alger, Avril 2013. |
M. Hachama, “Solving the image registration problem: a comparative study”, ATIM 2013, The Algerian-Turkish International Days On Mathematics, İstanbul, Turkey, 2013. |
2012-Journal papers |
M. Hachama, A. Desolneux, and F. Richard, “A Bayesian Technique For Image Classifying Registration”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume: 21 , Issue: 9, 2012. |
2012-Conference papers |
L. Benaicha Matti and M. Hachama,”Représentation spectrale des déformations en recalage d’images”, 8ème Rencontre d’Analyse Mathématique et ses Applications, Alger, 26-29 Novembre 2012. |
A. Diaf, M. Hachama et S.E. Bentridi, “Une approximation analytique des états “l “ relative au potentiel de Rosen-Morse via les intégrales de chemin de Feynman”, 10ème Congrès National de la Physique et de ses Applications CNPA 2012, Mostaganem, 20-22 Novembre 2012. |
Ailam E., Hachama M., Benallal M.N., Hocine A., “Design of a superconducting inductor for axial concentration flux motor”, The 12th CRYOGENICS 2012 - Dresden, Germany, 2012. |
E. Ailam, M.N. Benallal, Y. Mehabil, M. Hachama, J. Leveque and A. Rezzoug, “Experimental study of an axial superconducting motor”, Applied Superconductivity Conference, October 7-12, Portland, Oregon, 2012. |
M.N. Benallal, E. Ailam, M. Hachama, A. Hocine, J. Leveque and A. Rezzoug, “Comparison study between LTS and HTS inductors”, Applied Superconductivity Conference, October 7-12, Portland, Oregon, 2012. |
A. Diaf, M. Hachama et S. Bentridi, “The Variational Perturbation Method applied to a family of anharmonic complex-PT potentials”, PHHQP XI: Non-Hermitian Operators in Quantum Physics, August 27-31, 2012 Paris, France. |
F. Richard, M. Hachama et A. Desolneux, “A Bayesian Technique For Image Classifying Registration”, Congrès National d’Analyse Numérique CANUM 2012 (Mini-symposium Images, deformations and shape statistics Superbesse, Puy-de-Dôme, 21 mai - 25 mai 2012. |
2011-Conference papers |
Ailam, M. N. Benallal, M. Hachama et A. Hocine, «A Double armature superconducting motor » 10th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, September, 18-23, Amsterdam – Netherland. |
E.Ailam, M. N. Benallal, A. Hocine et M. Hachama « Theoretical study of an axial flux superconducting motor » 22nd International Conference on Magnet Technology, September 12-16, Marseille – France. |
M. N. Benallal, E.Ailam, M. Hachama et A. Hocine « A new design method for superconducting motors » 22nd International Conference on Magnet Technology, September 12-16, Marseille – France. |
M. Hachama, A. Desolneux et F. Richard,”Class-based models for image registration”, ICIAM 2011, Vancouver Canada, July 2011. |
M. Hachama, A. Desolneux et F. Richard,”A Stochastic approach to image registration”, International Symposium operational research ISOR, Juin 2011. |
M. Hachama, A. Desolneux et F. Richard, “Une technique bayésienne pour le recalage d’image associé à une classification”, Journées des statistiques, Sociétés des statistiques de France JDS, Tunis, Mai 2011. |
2010-Journal papers |
M. Hachama, A. Desolneux, C. Cuénod, and F. Richard. “A classifying registration technique for the estimation of enhancement curves of DCE-CT scan sequences”. Medical Image Analysis,14(2):185-194, April 2010. |
2009-Conference papers |
M. Hachama, “Imagerie médicale : quelques applications du recalage d’images”, 1ère Conférence Internationale sur les Energies, Matériaux et Environnement, CIEME’09, Khemis Miliana, Novembre 2009. |
E.Ailam, M. N. Benallal, A. Hocine et M. Hachama, « La machine supraconductrice à concentration magnétique », 1ère Conférence Internationale sur les Energies, Matériaux et Environnement, CIEME’09,, 22-23 novembre 2009, Khemis Miliana, Algérie. |
M. Hachama, “Mathématiques pour le traitement d’images”, Rencontre des Mathématiciens Algériens RMA 2009, 17-18 mai 2009, USTHB, ALGER. |
2008-Conference papers |
M. Hachama, F. Richard, D. Balvay, R. Thiam, A. Desolneux, et C-A. Cuenod, “Recalage classifiant de séquences d’images de perfusion”, 3ième journées d’études Algéro-Françaises en imagerie médicale JETIM’2008 Blida, Algérie, Novembre 2008. |
2006-Conference papers |
M. Hachama, A. Desolneux et F. Richard, “Combining registration and abnormality detection in mammography”, In Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on Biomedical Image registration, WBIR’06 , LNCS, vol. 4057, Utrecht, Netherland, juillet 2006. |
M. Hachama, A. Desolneux et F. Richard, “A probabilistic approach for the simultaneous mammogram registration and abnormality detection”, In Proc. of the International Workshop on Digital Mammography, IWDM’06 , LNCS, vol. 4046 , pp. 205-212, Manchester, UK, juin 2006. |
M. Hachama, F. Richard and A. Desolneux, “A mammogram registration technique dealing with outliers”, Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, ISBI’06 , Arlington, Virginia, USA, april, 2006. |
M. Hachama, A. Desolneux et F. Richard, “Combiner le racalage des images et la détection des lésions en mammographie”, 2ième journées d’études Algéro-Françaises en imagerie médicale JETIM’2006, USTHB, Algérie, Novembre 2006. |