Conference and Journal Papers in Chronological Order

2024-Journal papers
M. Hachama and F. Boutaous, “A fractional osmosis model for image fusion”, Advances in Computational Mathematics, Volume 50, article number 7, (2024).
M. Hachama and A. Diaf, “Ro-vibrationnal relativistic states for the q-deformed hyperbolic barrier potential”, The European Physical Journal Plus, Volume 139, article number 501, (2024).
A. Diaf and M. Hachama, “Relativistic energies for the q-deformed Scarf potential with Feynman path integrals formulation”, Physica Scripta, Volume 99, Number 7, (2024).
2024-Conference papers
S. Benalia, M. Hachama, Image Fusion Using a Nonlocal Poisson Model, “The Sixth International Colloquium on Methods and Tools for Decision Support”, Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria, October 20th-22nd 2024.
2023-Journal papers
A. Diaf, M. Hachama, M. M’hamed Ezzine, “Thermodynamic properties for some diatomic molecules with the q-deformed hyperbolic barrier potential”, Molecular Physics, 2023.
A. Lamamri, M. Hachama, “Approximate solution of the shortest path problem with resource constraints and applications to vehicle routing problems”, Electronic Research Archive, 2023, 31(2): 615-632.
2023-Conference papers
F. Boutaous, M. Hachama, Study of a new fractional model for image processing, “ICMA’23”, Blida 1 University, 26-27 September, 2023.
A. Lamamr, M. Hachama, Performance of approximate solution methods for the shortest path problem with resource constraints in column generation, “ICMA’23”, Blida 1 University, 26-27 September, 2023.
2022-Journal papers
S. Benalia, M. Hachama, “A nonlocal method for image shadow removal”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Volume 107, 1 February 2022, Pages 95-103.
Farid Chabane, Maamar Benbachir, Mohammed Hachama & Mohammad Esmael Samei, “Existence of positive solutions for p-Laplacian boundary value problems of fractional differential equations”, Boundary Value Problems, 65 (2022).
Hadjer Bakhti, Ahmed Diaf, Mohammed Hachama, “Computing thermodynamic properties of some diatomic molecules using a q-deformed Scarf-like Potential”, Molecular Physics (2022): e2133752.
2022-Conference papers
M. Hachama, “Nonlocal models in image processing”, Invited talk, 8ème Workshop du laboratoire AMNEDP 2022, UUSTHB, 12-13 novembre 2022.
M. Hachama, “Image restoration using nonlocal techniques”, Invited talk, Célébration du 25 ème anniversaire de la Rencontre d’Analyse Mathématique et ses Applications (RAMA), Université de M’Sila, le 26 octobre 2022.
2021-Journal papers
M. M’hamed Ezzine, M. Hachama, A. Diaf, “Feynman kernel analytical solutions for the deformed hyperbolic barrier potential with application to some diatomic molecules”, Physica Scripta, Volume 96, Number 12, 2021.
A. Diaf, M. Hachama, M. M’hamed Ezzine, “l-states solutions for the q-deformed Scarf potential with path integrals formulation”, Physica Scripta, Volume 96, Number 10, 2021.
Amel Benali, Mohammed Hachama, Aouda Bounif, Ammar Nechnech, and Mourad Karray, “A TLBO-Optimized Artificial Neural Network for Modeling Axial Capacity of Pile Foundations”, Engineering with Computers 37, pages 675-684 (2021).
2021-Conference papers
Sabira Ben Alia and Mohammed Hachama, “Nonlocal differential operatos applied to image processing”, “International Conference on Mathematics and Applications ICMA’2021”, 7 – 8 December, Blida (2021).
Hadjer Bakhti, Ahmed Diaf, Mohammed Hachama, “Computing thermodynamic properties of the O2 and H2 molecules with multi-parameter exponential-type potential”, “first International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials IC-SEAM’21”, April 21-22, Ouargla (2021).
M. M’hamed Ezzine, Ahmed Diaf and Mohammed Hachama, “Computational study of the thermodynamic properties for some diatomic molecules with the q-deformed Scarf II hyperbolic potential”, “first National Conference on Theoretical Physics CNPT’21”, December 8-9, Tlemcen (2021).
Mohammed Hachama, “Mathématiques en images”, “Journée internationale des mathématiques”, Webinar, March 13, (2021).
2020-Journal papers
Hadjer Bakhti, Ahmed Diaf, and Mohammed Hachama, “Computing thermodynamic properties of the O2 and H2 molecules with multi-parameter exponential-type potential”, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1185C (2020) 112879.
Benniche, Omar and Hachama, Mohammed, “Near Viability of a Set-Valued Map Graph with Respect to a Quasi-Autonomous Nonlinear Inclusion”, Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 26, pages 455–468 (2020).
2020-Conference papers
Sabira Benalia and Mohammed Hachama, Nonlocal approches for image denoising, ICRAMCS 2020 Proceedings ISSN: 2605-7700.
Benniche Omar and Hachama Mohammed, Approximate null-controllability for systems governed by fully nonlinear differential inclusion, ICRAMCS 2020 Proceedings ISSN: 2605-7700.
2019-Journal papers
H. Bakhti, A. Diaf, M. Hachama, “Analytical solution of the Feynman Kernel for general exponential-type potentials”, Physica scripta, Volume 94, Number 5, 2019.
2019-Conference papers
M. Hachama, “PDE for image denoising”, la 9ème édition du colloque ​Tendances dans les Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie Algérie Maroc, Tlemcen 23-27 Février 2019.
M. Hachama, “Une revue des équations aux dérivées partielles en restauration”, Journée de Mathématiques Appliquées, JMA’2019, April 28, 2019, Mila-Algeria
2018-Journal papers
H. Boukabcha, M. Hachama, A. Diaf, “Ro-vibrational energies of the shifted Deng-Fan Oscillator potential with Feynman path integral formalism”, Applied Mathematics and Computation 321 (2018) 121–129.
2018-Conference papers
M. Hachama, “A Convex Optimization Approach To Shading Estimation From RGB-D Images”, CONGRÈS DES MATHÉMATICIENS ALGÉRIENS CMA’2018, BOUMERDES 12 - 13 MAI 2018.
M. Hachama, “PDE for image restoration”, Workshops on Pure and Applied Mathematics December 17-18,2018.
S. Ayadi and M. Hachama, “Study of a Non-linear Poisson PDE used in image processing”, Workshops on Pure and Applied Mathematics December 17-18,2018.
2017-Journal papers
A. Amrouche, A. Diaf and M. Hachama, “Path integral treatment of the deformed Schioberg-type potential for some diatomic molecules”, Canadian Journal of Physics 95 (1), 25-30, 2017.
2017-Conference papers
M. Hachama, “Mathématiques en images : méthodes et applications”, Mathématiques en Images (MI’2017).
O. Benniche, M. Hachama, “An optimal control approach to image restoration with a p-Laplacian regularization”, Mathématiques en Images (MI’2017).
2016-Conference papers
M. Hachama, “Une approche énergétique pour l’estimation de la réflectance d’un objet lambertian”, Premier séminaire national sur la simulation numérique dans les sciences appliquées, Ouargla, Dec. 2016.
M. Hachama, “Vision artificielle : modèles mathématiques et applications”, JDS’16, Msila, Nov. 2016.
M. Hachama, “Estimation de l’illumination d’une scène”, JDS’16, Msila, Nov. 2016.
2015-Conference papers
M. Hachama, B. Ghanem and P. Wonka, “Intrinsic Scene Decomposition from RGB-D images”, In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Santiago, 2015, pp. 810-818.
2014-Conference papers
A. Diaf and M. Hachama, “Arbitrary l-state solutions of the Feynman propagator for the Rosen-Morse Potential with a centrifugal term approximation”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 490, 2014.
2013-Journal papers
A. Diaf and M. Hachama, “Feynman integral treatment of the Rosen-Morse Potential with a centrifugal term approximation”, Canadian Journal of Physics, 2013, 91(12): 1081-1085.
E. Ailam, M. Hachama, M.N. Benallal, Y. Mehabil, J. Leveque and A. Rezzoug, “Study of an axial superconducting motor using the Monte Carlo Method”, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol. 23, Issue 3, 2013.
E. Ailam, M.N. Benallal, M. Hachama, J. Leveque and A. Rezzoug, “Comparison study between several solutions of superconducting inductors”, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Volume 23, Issue 1, 2013.
2013-Conference papers
M. Hachama, “A Spectral Approach to Non-Rigid Image Registration”, International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1-5, 2013.
A. Diaf and M. Hachama, “Arbitrary l-state solutions of the Feynman propagator for the Rosen-Morse Potential with a centrifugal term approximation”, International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1-5, 2013.
L. Benaicha Matti, M. Hachama, “Recalage non rigide des images : Représentation des transformations”, Sixième colloque sur les Tendances dans les Applications Mathémtiques en Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc (TAMTAM XIII), Alger, Avril 2013.
M. Hachama, “Solving the image registration problem: a comparative study”, ATIM 2013, The Algerian-Turkish International Days On Mathematics, İstanbul, Turkey, 2013.
2012-Journal papers
M. Hachama, A. Desolneux, and F. Richard, “A Bayesian Technique For Image Classifying Registration”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume: 21 , Issue: 9, 2012.
2012-Conference papers
L. Benaicha Matti and M. Hachama,”Représentation spectrale des déformations en recalage d’images”, 8ème Rencontre d’Analyse Mathématique et ses Applications, Alger, 26-29 Novembre 2012.
A. Diaf, M. Hachama et S.E. Bentridi, “Une approximation analytique des états “l “ relative au potentiel de Rosen-Morse via les intégrales de chemin de Feynman”, 10ème Congrès National de la Physique et de ses Applications CNPA 2012, Mostaganem, 20-22 Novembre 2012.
Ailam E., Hachama M., Benallal M.N., Hocine A., “Design of a superconducting inductor for axial concentration flux motor”, The 12th CRYOGENICS 2012 - Dresden, Germany, 2012.
E. Ailam, M.N. Benallal, Y. Mehabil, M. Hachama, J. Leveque and A. Rezzoug, “Experimental study of an axial superconducting motor”, Applied Superconductivity Conference, October 7-12, Portland, Oregon, 2012.
M.N. Benallal, E. Ailam, M. Hachama, A. Hocine, J. Leveque and A. Rezzoug, “Comparison study between LTS and HTS inductors”, Applied Superconductivity Conference, October 7-12, Portland, Oregon, 2012.
A. Diaf, M. Hachama et S. Bentridi, “The Variational Perturbation Method applied to a family of anharmonic complex-PT potentials”, PHHQP XI: Non-Hermitian Operators in Quantum Physics, August 27-31, 2012 Paris, France.
F. Richard, M. Hachama et A. Desolneux, “A Bayesian Technique For Image Classifying Registration”, Congrès National d’Analyse Numérique CANUM 2012 (Mini-symposium Images, deformations and shape statistics Superbesse, Puy-de-Dôme, 21 mai - 25 mai 2012.
2011-Conference papers
Ailam, M. N. Benallal, M. Hachama et A. Hocine, «A Double armature superconducting motor » 10th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, September, 18-23, Amsterdam – Netherland.
E.Ailam, M. N. Benallal, A. Hocine et M. Hachama « Theoretical study of an axial flux superconducting motor » 22nd International Conference on Magnet Technology, September 12-16, Marseille – France.
M. N. Benallal, E.Ailam, M. Hachama et A. Hocine « A new design method for superconducting motors » 22nd International Conference on Magnet Technology, September 12-16, Marseille – France.
M. Hachama, A. Desolneux et F. Richard,”Class-based models for image registration”, ICIAM 2011, Vancouver Canada, July 2011.
M. Hachama, A. Desolneux et F. Richard,”A Stochastic approach to image registration”, International Symposium operational research ISOR, Juin 2011.
M. Hachama, A. Desolneux et F. Richard, “Une technique bayésienne pour le recalage d’image associé à une classification”, Journées des statistiques, Sociétés des statistiques de France JDS, Tunis, Mai 2011.
2010-Journal papers
M. Hachama, A. Desolneux, C. Cuénod, and F. Richard. “A classifying registration technique for the estimation of enhancement curves of DCE-CT scan sequences”. Medical Image Analysis,14(2):185-194, April 2010.
2009-Conference papers
M. Hachama, “Imagerie médicale : quelques applications du recalage d’images”, 1ère Conférence Internationale sur les Energies, Matériaux et Environnement, CIEME’09, Khemis Miliana, Novembre 2009.
E.Ailam, M. N. Benallal, A. Hocine et M. Hachama, « La machine supraconductrice à concentration magnétique », 1ère Conférence Internationale sur les Energies, Matériaux et Environnement, CIEME’09,, 22-23 novembre 2009, Khemis Miliana, Algérie.
M. Hachama, “Mathématiques pour le traitement d’images”, Rencontre des Mathématiciens Algériens RMA 2009, 17-18 mai 2009, USTHB, ALGER.
2008-Conference papers
M. Hachama, F. Richard, D. Balvay, R. Thiam, A. Desolneux, et C-A. Cuenod, “Recalage classifiant de séquences d’images de perfusion”, 3ième journées d’études Algéro-Françaises en imagerie médicale JETIM’2008 Blida, Algérie, Novembre 2008.
2006-Conference papers
M. Hachama, A. Desolneux et F. Richard, “Combining registration and abnormality detection in mammography”, In Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on Biomedical Image registration, WBIR’06 , LNCS, vol. 4057, Utrecht, Netherland, juillet 2006.
M. Hachama, A. Desolneux et F. Richard, “A probabilistic approach for the simultaneous mammogram registration and abnormality detection”, In Proc. of the International Workshop on Digital Mammography, IWDM’06 , LNCS, vol. 4046 , pp. 205-212, Manchester, UK, juin 2006.
M. Hachama, F. Richard and A. Desolneux, “A mammogram registration technique dealing with outliers”, Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, ISBI’06 , Arlington, Virginia, USA, april, 2006.
M. Hachama, A. Desolneux et F. Richard, “Combiner le racalage des images et la détection des lésions en mammographie”, 2ième journées d’études Algéro-Françaises en imagerie médicale JETIM’2006, USTHB, Algérie, Novembre 2006.